Name: S.M.K.
Location: Redmond, WA
Age: 20








All work is the intellectual property of artist SMK. Please do not steal my images.
Some desktops are remakes and or edits of other artist work, these are for  private
use and are not submitted to any Desktop hosting sites. If you see my desktops on any site
contact me and I will pursue its removal from said site.

All images shown on this site may not be to your liking. I assume no liability for your taste in
my work. All sections are clearly labeled and no image is completely inappropriate for anyone to view.
Please do not contact me with complaints about image content unless you have an issue with it being

SMK's Alias's
MeatPopSICKle (its spelled wrong for a reason)
BadKarma (No affiliation with the BadKarma from Unreal Tournament)
5.56 Bullets

I can be contacted via AIM, ICQ, or the Pinoy7 message board (in links).
AIM: NotaExile
ICQ: 157775813   
Pinoy7 BB: MeatPopSICKle

When using AIM or ICQ, be sure to state your reason for contacting me in the opening line
or I'll simply ignore you.

E-mail with held  for spam and privacy reasons.